Resources for Amazon Web Services (AWS) migrations from EC2-Classic to EC2-VPC

AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is one of the best known cloud services delivered by AWS. It is a service that allows customers to purchase resizable cloud hosting resources. It is – in my opinion – the best current implementation of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) from all cloud service providers. It truly delivers on the promise that within minutes you could spin up a new server instance and proceed with meaningful work without having to wait for days/weeks for a vendor (or IT department) to purchase and deliver properly configured hardware systems.

The original implementation of EC2 (which over time became known as EC2-Classic) had one interesting shortcoming that only became more and more apparent as customers continued to build solutions increasing in complexity: EC2 instances for ALL customers in a given AWS geographic region share private IP addresses in the 10.x.x.x space (technically there are some ranges from that Class A network that are not being used but that’s not relevant for this discussion). For example you could have in your account a web server with the IP address of and another web server with the IP address of (and you basically had no idea or control over who would be using the private IP address of

AWS did provide the technology of security groups (basically software firewalls that wrap around instances) to allow customers to group together EC2 instances of similar functions (and not allow intruders access) but as customers were building more and more complex solutions it was getting harder and harder to manage the instances that one owned in AWS.

This model where one’s servers were spread all over the 10.x.x.x range was not the way that networking professionals were used to run networks in their own data centers.

In 2009 AWS introduced an improvement to the original EC2 approach – VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). In a VPC customers now had the ability to use their own private IP range, divide the network as they saw fit and pretty much come back to networking models that they were used to. There are many, many more features to AWS VPC that make it a clear winner over EC2-Classic but those are not the main focus of this article.

For a while then we had the two technologies side by side – EC2-Classic and EC2-VPC. Customers were able to create EC2 instances using either model. It was becoming clear though that EC2-VPC was the superior technology and AWS proved that on 2013-12-04 because after that date all new AWS accounts only supported EC2-VPC. In new accounts created after that date AWS automatically creates a default VPC and places all EC2 instances in that context.

Many of the older AWS customers were slowly faced with a dilemma: what were they supposed to do with their aging EC2-Classic instances? AWS is constantly innovating, adding new instances types and new features but many of those are now only available on the EC2-VPC side. If customers want to take advantage of the latest AWS features then they need to consider migration paths from EC2-Classic instances to EC2-VPC.

So what are the migration options available?

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